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3 Reasons Fluorescent Lights Might be Causing Light Sensitivity in Your Eyes

light sensitivity

Light sensitivity is an unfortunate affliction, turning every day into a challenge, depending on the intensity of the light or how sensitive the individual is.

This intolerance of light, known as photophobia, can make exposure to sunlight almost unbearable, but it also can cause discomfort indoors.

Fluorescent and incandescent lights may have sufferers squinting or dealing with headaches – leaving them looking for a solution to this irritation.

Why Fluorescent Lighting Triggers Light Sensitivity

There is a range of reasons for photophobia, including corneal abrasion and sun damage.

However, light sensitivity can be triggered just by fluorescent lighting. Understanding the problem is the first step to combatting it.

1. Eye Strain

When you feel that your eyes are strained, that’s a sign that the nerves and muscles need a little break.

This type of strain can make it hard to focus, causing pain and light sensitivity. Prolonged periods on a computer is the leading cause of eye strain, which is a huge issue now in the digital age.

However, eye strain can also happen during driving, reading or drawing, particularly if you are doing these tasks in low lighting.

2. UV Radiation

Fluorescent lights are much more energy efficient than traditional or incandescent lights used before the 1970s energy crisis, typically lasting about 10 times as long.

However, since their widespread inception, there have been concerns about the ultraviolet radiation (UV) that they emit. Although it is only a small amount, prolonged exposure has been linked to health issues, including eye strain.

There is an autoimmune response known as apoptosis, which is the death of skin cells that is directly caused by exposure to UV light. Once those dead cells have been around for a while, your eyes become inflamed, leading to lupus flares. So what can you do? Here are the best bulbs for lupus.

3. The Flicker Effect

When fluorescent lights were first brought into offices, schools, and workplaces, there was a host of technical issues to deal with. Common problems included buzzing noises, flickering, and emissions of blue or green light. Soon after, the complaints flowed – with many people suffering from eye strain and migraines.

As technology has advanced, the newer types of fluorescent lights aren’t plagued by these same issues. They don’t flicker or buzz. They are specially designed to mimic the light from outdoors. This is easier on our vision, although the simulation is still not a great imitation of outdoor light.

However, there are many buildings that have not yet upgraded, which means a lot of people are still being subjected to the problems of the old lights.

Use Filters to Feel Better

Convincing your workplace to replace all their old lights might not go over well with the boss. However, getting some fluorescent light filters is a cheaper alternative that could benefit a lot of people. Make sure to get filters with a reading of 380-400 nanometers, to block out UV rays

By covering fluorescent bulbs with filters, people with light sensitivity will enjoy great relief, whether they are working or visiting your building.

Whether you’re a lupus sufferer or a boss looking to drive productivity in the office, there’s a lot to be gained from adding some fluorescent light filters.

View NaturaLux filters

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